The ugly side of schenectady The movie has a 2013 release date, but advanced screenings have been opened to critics.Overall, the reviews are good, except louboutin pumps online shop forone hollywood blogger who thinks it's unrealistic that people with a movie star look appear in a movie set in upstate new york(Or as he puts it,"Upper new york state").Kristi posted today about a review from hollywood elsewhere bloggerjeffrey wells.Mr.Wellsseems to think people from these parts suffer from a"Certain genetic look"That makes us less attractive than people from the big cities. "Mendes and byrne are too hot to live in schenectady.Beauty almost always migrates to the big cities where the power and the security lie, and in my experience the women who reside in blue collar hell holes like schenectady are far less attractive as a rule. " I'll admit you
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